Ya que mañana es el cinco de mayo y enseño español, decidí hacer pan dulce en la forma de conchitas para mis estudiantes (¡y trufas de chocolate!). Seguí una
receta buenísima de
Toxo Bread. Ella no solamente dio la receta sino también incluyó fotos muy buenas y detalladas de todo el proceso.
Confesión: Nunca me ha gustado el pan dulce mucho, aún con café (lo cual ya no tomo). Me gustó mucho el pan dulce que hice pero prefiero las cosas dulces que son más...dulces jaja...como galletas con chispas de chocolate o pastel de chocolate con mucho glaseado UMMM.

No obstante estas conchitas son mejores que las que he probado en las panaderías. Las de las panaderías suelen ser secas y/o migajosas. Éstas tienen una textura perfecta. Si a ustedes les gusta el pan dulce, ¡les recomiendo que hagan este pan dulce inmediatamente!

Since tomorrow is the 5th of May (
cinco de mayo), and I teach Spanish, I decided to make
pan dulce (sweet bread) in the form of
conchitas (little shells) for my students (and chocolate truffles!). I followed a great recipe I found on Toxo Bread. She not only provided the recipe but also included very good and detailed photos of the entire process.
Confession: I have never liked
pan dulce very much, even with coffee (which I dont drink anymore). I really liked the pan dulce I made, but I prefer sweets that are more...sweet haha...like chocolate chip cookies or chocolate cake with a lot of icing UMM.
Nevertheless, these conchitas are better than the ones I have had in the bakeries. The ones in the bakeries tend to be dry and/or crumbly. These, however, have a perfect texture. If you like pan dulce, I recomend you make these immediately!
They look so cute! I'm so happy they turned out well for you and your students. Hmmm... I would have a hard time choosing between conchitas and chocolate truffles ha ha. (Could I have both?)
ReplyDelete- Jackie
Yes, I agree with Jackie--your pan dulce looks cute! I cannot wait to try some of your baked goods :o)
ReplyDeleteI love that you made your own conchitas. They look delicious!
ReplyDeleteJackie - Thanks for the recipe! They tasted even better the next day! I heated one up and ate it with cold milk YUM!
ReplyDeleteMom - Thanks, mom! I will make you a whole mess of sumthin' for ya!
Pinkstripes - I love making popular dishes on my own. It is exciting. Thanks for the ocmpliment!
You know I see these in the stores all the time but never tasted. I definatly going to make them. Bookmarled!
ReplyDeleteGlamah16 - I hope you enjoy them. They are very comforting to eat with coffee or milk. IMO, they taste even better the next day.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this recipe. I've always wanted to make these because I love them but finding good ones in bakeries is pretty hit or miss.